An exciting Trout Unlimited joint chapter meeting between the Clinch Valley and New River Valley chapters led to a lot of shared information last night at Tangent Outfitters in Pembroke, VA. Apart from the great brook trout conservation on the horizon at Dismal Creek in Giles County, the folks at Tangent gave great demonstations for tying some flies of local interest. I was amazed at a hard-foam popper recipe that Tracy at Tangent has worked-up and discussed there. These flies are deadly for smallmouth bass in the New River (and beyond) and could not be easier to make for the wow factor and productivity they give. I wish to thank Tracy again for sharing his insight on this fly, which I ran home to tie as soon as I was able!
Hard Foam Bass Popper

Hook and body: Wapsi Perfect Popper
Tail: Saddle feathers, flashabou, crystal flash, marabou, use your imaginination!
Hackle: Saddle
Legs: Rubber legs, flashabou, etc.
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